Saturday Morning

Well hello! It’s now 2016 and I haven’t written anything in nearly two years. A lot has changed. In the past year I moved out of my house and lived in my parents basement. Went through a divorce. Bought a house and lost my job in the same week. Talk about a lot of change for the person who was uncomfortable with just a hint of change in the air. It all pushed me, stretched me, molded me and I feel as though I’ve come out of it a stronger and wiser human.  

So I’ve decided to start sharing some of my life again. The things I ponder, stuff I make and pictures I take. 

The little house I bought is a 98 year old craftsman style bungalow that I have fallen in love with. It’s like a little cottage and defiantly feels like home. Since I bought the house in November, I’m now witnessing the yard as it wakes up. It’s been fun to have little surprises each week as trees and flowers start to bloom and reveal themselves. I have not been disappointed. 

Here are my lilacs. I am swooning over the double ones and have decided to cut and place lilac arrangements all over the house. Because it smells good and why not. 

Macro Monday


Hello everyone! Here is this week’s photo for the weekly iPhonography Challenge.

Last week, I was able to enjoy a trail ride after work and Charm and I stumbled upon this adorable Mallard Duck nest. I had to hop off and take a picture. I had never seen a Mallard nest before, and I thought the color of the eggs was just beautiful. I also loved the soft down and carefully arranged sticks around the nest. It’s amazing what these ducks can do with those awkward bills. I’m curious to see the nest on our next ride through the woods. I wonder if they will be hatched yet? I’ll let you know!

Edited in Snapseed.

Please check out these other Macro Monday entries:

Watching the Photo Reels
Lens & Pens by Sally

Nature iPhoneography: Charm’s Feeling Fresh!

I’d thought I’d use pictures I took of Charm during our warmup session over the weekend.

We were doing some hill work which I hope will help her develop a stronger topline and get her ready for an upcoming clinic as well as trail rides.


She started out a little frisky! I love it when she bucks and plays 🙂


Still going a little fast at the top! Must feel good to move out now that the snow is finally gone.


It’s like fishing, but with a 1,100 pound bass at the end of the line.


Ahh… there’s that nice round canter I was looking for. Looking good Charm!


Nice reach with that hind leg!

image 8

Ok, come on in for your cookie!

All images edited in Snapseed and Instagram.

Thanks for looking!

Check out other entries here:

Watching the Photo Reels
Frames & Focus
Lens & Pens

iPhonography Monday (on Tuesday): Nature

20130430-113802.jpgCan you believe this picture was taken last weekend?

This photo is from the top of Eagle Tower overlooking Peninsula State Park and Green Bay. I was surprised to see how much ice was still on the bay. And, yes it was very cold at the top of the tower.

Now, time to compare to the east side of the peninsula. This is now Lake Michigan on the same afternoon… and look, no ice!


In the first photo we were wearing winter coats… for the second photo just a light jacket did the trick!

The first photo was edited in Instagram and taken by me.
The second was taken of me, by my friend Sofie. It was edited in Snapseed.

Be sure to check out these other Nature posts:

Lens & Pens
Watching the Photo Reels
Frames & Focus
Jazz it Up

iPhoneography Monday: Black & White


Happy spring!

This was the view from my office window a few days ago. We’ve been having on and off snow, sleet and rain for the past week. It was kind of depressing to see in April… but still beautiful!

I just feel bad for the warm weather birds who have migrated back and look somewhat confused.

Of course this was a no-brainer for a black and white photo. Edited in Snapseed.

Thanks for looking!

Check out these other blogs too!


iPhonography Monday: Macro

Since it’s the never-ending winter, I’ve been forced to bring a little spring into my home (to avoid going crazy).

I like to grow wheat grass for Easter. It makes cheery a decoration and surely brightens up my dining room.


This one in particular was planted in a dinner plate. The seeds don’t really need to be planted… once they root, I just plop them on the dirt, give them some TLC and after a few days you’ll have a cute, cheery and interesting decoration!

Kids love to look at them, and cats like to eat them! (good thing I don’t have a cat).

Besides all of that, when it comes to the photo, I thought the seeds were very interesting resting on top of the soil.  We all need some green right about now.. come on spring!!!

Thanks for looking!