Saturday Morning

Well hello! It’s now 2016 and I haven’t written anything in nearly two years. A lot has changed. In the past year I moved out of my house and lived in my parents basement. Went through a divorce. Bought a house and lost my job in the same week. Talk about a lot of change for the person who was uncomfortable with just a hint of change in the air. It all pushed me, stretched me, molded me and I feel as though I’ve come out of it a stronger and wiser human.  

So I’ve decided to start sharing some of my life again. The things I ponder, stuff I make and pictures I take. 

The little house I bought is a 98 year old craftsman style bungalow that I have fallen in love with. It’s like a little cottage and defiantly feels like home. Since I bought the house in November, I’m now witnessing the yard as it wakes up. It’s been fun to have little surprises each week as trees and flowers start to bloom and reveal themselves. I have not been disappointed. 

Here are my lilacs. I am swooning over the double ones and have decided to cut and place lilac arrangements all over the house. Because it smells good and why not. 

An Iris and a Little Boy

The iris are blooming! They are my favorite flower and nothing beats their sweet wonderful scent. Last fall I was able to dig them up separate them and replant hoping I’d have a good crop this year. It worked! My Grandma Ray taught me well ❤

This blue one is by far my favorite. It’s about 7+ inches wide when you hold up your hand to it.  And I just love the vivid and soft duo blue color it has. Amazing!!

This one isn’t as big, but it’s one I grew up having. I know it’s a very old variety and I don’t remember all the details of where it came from. If someone remembers and wants to chime in I’d appreciate it!

This pale blue and white striped one by far has the best scent. When the wind was blowing through my window I could even smell it in the house! As you can see, Wyatt loves to smell flowers. I’m trying to teach him to be careful with the flowers and to just smell them. So far, he’s really respectful, especially for a two year old boy!

Well, there’s my Iris showcase. I may be cutting some to bring in tonight. We have storms on the way and I fear they will all be laying on the ground in the morning. Then we can sniff them all night!

Full Bloom

Spring has sprung in my yard. Everything seems to want to bloom at once.. which is okay with me! I decided  to venture outside to capture some pretty flower pictures. All of these images were taken using my 50mm Prime Lens.

And here’s the back garden in bloom. My Eastern Red Bud is the focal point at the moment. This tree is just wonderful!

Summer’s in Full Swing

It’s been so HOT around here lately it’s hard to get motivated to do anything! Even at the barn.. usually the lake breeze cools us down, but not this year. Oh well, I’ll be wishing for days like these come the middle of February.

So, I finally taped my Freestyle audition, but because of camera malfunctions and lack of planning on my part, it ran two minutes too long. But it was a really good practice anyway and I got some advice from my friend and Parelli Professional: Fran Latane (check out her website here.. I had the pleasure of designing it for her!) She gave me a few suggestions that should help us score more in the Level 4 end of things, which would be wonderful 🙂 So now that I have a solid plan, I just have to get out there and tape it once and for all. Then it will be on to Liberty.. then hopefully the green string (“precious”) will be mine.. I mean ours, it’s Charm’s just as much as mine. 😉 If you’d like to see the Freestyle *practice* run click here.

Although my focus has been these auditions for the past few months, my attention has now shifted to something that is definitely sneaking up on me at a gallop… DAVE ELLIS! It’s only 2 weeks away from this Thursday (Aug 11-14) I’ll be riding in the Cow Camp clinic again for four days! The first two days will be spent preparing for the cattle and the last two will be a hoot with plenty of fun with the cows. Check out the pictures from last year here. Horse friends! You’re more than welcome to audit the clinic.. let me know if you’d like details. I believe it’s $30 a day “at the door”.

Otherwise things are going well. My garden has exploded with too many flowers to count. It’s exceptionally beautiful this summer. The veggie garden is also in full swing. I have branches of tomatoes ripening and the peas and beans are growing, flowering and being eaten. There’s nothing like fresh veggies. YUMMM

Wyatt is doing really well. We are in the process of transitioning to whole milk and weaning off of the bottle. He’s starting to say a few words now.. “Clock”, “Light”, “Bath” and “Yard” are his favorites so far. He’s such a cute kid.