
Charm is my first horse and I’ve owned her since 2003 when she was just 2 years old. I was lucky to start out with an easy going level-headed horse. I was also fortunate to have some awesome people support and teach me in the “early stages”.

Our main interest is trail riding. I love to get out and enjoy the Lord’s beautiful creations and what better way to do that than on horseback! I also am studying Natural horsemanship, particularly the Parelli method. I’ve found this has worked well for us and I enjoy being challenged and not boring my horse with the same mundane things all the time. Parelli allows me to be creative for Charm, which in turn, creates a willing and engaged horse. I am currently studying Level 4 of the Parelli program and am an official Level 3 graduate.

I try to participate in a clinic each year. So far we’ve ridden with Parelli Instructor Dave Ellis three times now. Once for an Advancing Horsemanship Clinic and two Cow Camp Clinics. In 2013 I’ve also had the opportunity to do some workshops with Ryan and Hillary Rose.

I really love the cows and ranch work and Charm made amazing advancements in her confidence at the last clinic. The cattle work interests me and I plan to get around cattle more often as the frequent exposure will help Charm’s confidence.

Charm has matured into a great partner. She’s reliable and fun to ride. Now that she’s reaching her prime years, I plan to take advantage of as many opportunities as I can to ride and enjoy her company. I also hope that Wyatt and Evan will be able to enjoy her as much as I have.

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